Representative: Anna Kruglova
Tel.: +380 99 378 96 95
Representative: Victoria Snizhinskaya
Tel.: +380 50 443 33 14
Representative: Oleg Petrovsky
Tel.: +380 50 386 93 52
Representative: Oleg Petrovsky
Tel.: +380 50 386 93 52
Representative: Kateryna Shevchenko
Tel.: +380 50 927 60 70
Tel.: +380 44 242 04 80
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00
Office manager
+380 50 305 32 36
Terumo IS Interventional Cardiology
Anna Kruglova
+380 99 378 96 95
Ivascular Endovascular Intervention
Anna Kruglova
+380 99 378 96 95
+380 50 315 52 03